Have you ever camped on the shores of Lake Powell? How about on Labor Day weekend?

As a rule, I’m not one who loves traveling during holiday weekends. However, if you find yourself in southern Utah during a holiday, this campground situated on the Utah-Arizona border near Wahweep Bay, is the way to go.

You can drive all the way up to the shores and set up camp to your heart’s content with whatever camping gear you’re sporting. From giant 5th wheelers to our small tent, this campground was boasting with all types of campers.

Best of all, it was warm – hot, actually – and there’s no danger from wildlife, so if you want to sleep on a towel under the stars, this place is your oyster. The campground also offers a full bathroom and outdoor showers towards the entrance, which made for a very comfortable extended stay.

Lone Rock Beach

Just for Fun

In my opinion, I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t share this bit of fun with you. It’s not about photography or landscape art, but it was one of the highlights of our stay here.

So, about this area on a holiday, or at least this Labor Day Weekend, it’s a popular safe haven for off-roading enthusiasts, ATVs and dune buggies. Not only does it provide the perfect landscape, but it’s also completely expected and free for all in this kind of place.

This Sunday night, we were treated to a colorful, vibrating parade of lit-up, rumbling off-roading toys of all kinds and sizes. It was accompanied by rambunctious but totally fun humans aboard and aside this vibrant parade.

Of course, we joined in the fun of watching and hooraying until the wee hours.

Lone Rock Beach

The Star of the Show

Lone Rock was the centerpiece of our view during our stay here. Having ample time to play with all my favorite shades of natural light – sunrises, sunsets, the occasional cloud coverage, and night sky – it was one of my most relaxing and fulfilling experiences.

What makes it great? Stunning Lake Powell views day and night – perfect for stargazing or catching a desert sunrise. The warm sunrise colors reflecting off the water create a dazzling display that’ll leave you speechless.

Lone Rock Beach is unforgettable – sand, clear waters, mesmerizing sunrises. Whether you seek relaxation or adventure, this beach has something for everyone. Watching the sunrise here is an experience everyone should have.

This was a one-of-a-kind trip with so many landscapes to fill my soul, SD cards, and hard drives. What more could a landscape artist ask for?

Lone Rock Beach

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Lone Rock Beach